Maria Menounos opens up about her battle with cancer and shares her top beauty picks.

#MariaMenounous #healthcare #Bounty #BestFriendsAnimalSociety #QuickerPickerUpper #pets #adoption #DrJasonDiamond #Metacine #NARS #KosasGlowIV #ThriveCausemetics #BeautyBio #GloFacial #haircare #ColorWow #OUAILeaveinConditioner #Briogeorootspray #EvaNYC #MRIscan #pancreaticcancer #newmom #BountyPapertowels #rescuedogs #TamarGeller #Uno #hotub #meditation #naturewalks #emotionalhealth

Maria Menounous may not realize it, but she has likely saved lives through her inspiring healthcare journey. The well-known TV host, 45, has been vocal about her own health challenges, encouraging others to take control of their well-being. She’s also extending a helping hand to improve the lives of animals. Menounous has partnered with Bounty and Best Friends Animal Society to spread the word on how the “Quicker Picker-Upper” is helping pets find families.

“Nationwide, Bounty is going to cover adoption fees for the month of November,” she says. “I think it’s a really big deal because this is a really tough time in the world. People don’t have the money to be able to do extraneous things so if Bounty can help bring together pet lovers and animals and cover those fees, plus the messes, well, then you’ve really helped everybody in the biggest way possible.”

Here, she tells us about her new role as mom to baby Athena, “cleaning up” her beauty routine and her recent health scare, which involved life-saving surgery for Stage 2 pancreatic cancer.

Maria and her terrier poodle mix Bobo.

What skin care are you obsessed with right now?

“Skin-care wise I have to say I really love Dr. Jason Diamond’s Metacine skin-care line. I got an early stash from him and my skin’s been glowing. And I’ve gone through so much hell in the early part of the year, so I was like, ‘Do I look like it?’ I don’t. I really love his new products. I also just switched over my foundation. I’ve been trying to clean up my beauty products, which I’ve been doing for the last few years. I just tried NARS’ new Radiant Foundation ($50). I also use a little of the Kosas Glow I.V. Vitamin-Infused Skin Enhancer ($38) and it gives a really nice glow. I’m really loving the Thrive Causemetics Liquid Lash ($25) tubing mascara. And Beauty Bio, I’m really obsessed with their products, like the GloFacial ($199) pore cleanser. I also love their roller. It’s all so good.”

Are you a facial or laser person?

”I have a hard time with lasers, they scare me. I’ve done it before, the laser where your face is red for a week. I could never do that again. I love Dermalogica facials. They are the only facials that don’t freak me out. I do that about twice a year, but I really just do my stuff at home.”

Your hair is so full, what products did you use today?

“Today, I used Color Wow, their curling spray, a bit of OUAI Leave-in Conditioner ($30) on the tips, and their hair oil ($30). I also used some Briogeo root spray. I’m really loving these products. By the way, EvaNYC has this fantastic hair straightener—the brush straightener ($30)—and it works really well.”

You have been vocal about your pancreatic cancer diagnosis and treatment. Do you recommend a full body MRI scan to everyone?

“There’s definitely controversy surrounding this. I would say that if you sense something is amiss, and your doctor hasn’t been able to pinpoint the issue, I highly recommend it. In my case, I had seen doctors who assured me I was fine, but it was the MRI scan that caught the problem they had missed. It’s what saved my life, so I can’t help but recommend it. If you can afford it and want a baseline, that’s another reason to consider it. Having a baseline allows you to compare results over time. For instance, you might find a nodule in the future and realize it was there all along, but it hasn’t grown, which can be reassuring. Ultimately, it depends on your financial circumstances, but if you’re dealing with persistent symptoms and have exhausted other avenues, it’s definitely worth trying. It saved my life, and I know it has saved countless others. I gain nothing from saying this—it’s simply the right thing to do.”

You’re also a new mom. What are your best tips for juggling it all?

“Well, before I became a mom to Athena, I was a dog mom. I’ve learned a lot from them. My biggest tip is having Bounty paper towels as an extension of your arm. This way, I can quickly clean up a mess. I love my rescues, Max and Bobo, but they do bring some pet mess, so I’ve got my Bounty to help me with that, too. A proper introduction of your pets to your baby is very important. I learned this through my friend Tamar Geller, who is a dog trainer for many other stars. I refer to them as her brothers so when I’m in the kitchen, I say, ‘Look at what your brothers are doing.’”

How do you unwind?

“We often break out a game of Uno with a glass of wine. My dad and everyone in the house are always up for some fiercely competitive games; it’s a great way to unwind. Personally, I love relaxing in the hot tub or meditating, that really helps me as well. I love going for a walk with my dogs. To me just being out in nature really helps me reconnect and get regrounded. Motion equals emotion, so, whenever you’re not feeling well just get out and start moving. It makes you feel better instantly.”

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