Discover the Art of Crafting Glycerin Soap Hidden Treasure Soaps

#KidsHateHandWashing #CreativeProject #HiddenTreasure #GiftIdeas #EasyToMakeSoap #CleanHands #NoMoreFingerprints #SoapMakingSupplies #ToysInTheSoap #SurprisesInside #ColorfulSoaps #EssentialOils #StepByStepInstructions #SoapMolds #ToySubstitutions #SpookySoap #HolidaySoap #StorageIdeas #TopMomTip

Okay, let’s be honest, kids hate washing their hands. Why is it such a struggle? But with a little help from tiny toys, that, if we’re honest, kids wouldn’t give the time of day to if they weren’t buried in layers of soap, hand washing can be kinda fun. Making homemade soap with surprises inside can be a fun and creative project. It’s like a hidden treasure—it makes everything more exciting!

DIY Soap with Surprises

This is definitely a gift they won’t be able to keep their grubby little hands off. No more sticky fingerprints around the house if you’ve got one of these easy-to-make melt-and-pour soaps at every sink!

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