Laura Capon Brings You the Latest Beauty Updates This Week

#BeautyNews #LauraCapon #LC #ScaryBeautyLaunches #Sephora #OzzyOsbourne #BeautyAdventCalendars #RevolutionBeauty


Laura Capon aka LC is back with her incredible beauty news to start the week.

This week she’s talking scary beauty launches, Sephora, Ozzy Osbourne, beauty advent calendars and explaining why all hasn’t been well in the world of Revolution Beauty. You’re going to love it!!

#PublishedDate #10MonthsAgo


Laura Capon aka LC is back with her incredible beauty news to start the week.

This week she’s talking scary beauty launches, Sephora, Ozzy Osbourne, beauty advent calendars and explaining why all hasn’t been well in the world of Revolution Beauty. You’re going to love it!!

10 months ago

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