Canadian Beauty Offers a Selection of Perfumes for Teenagers

Perfumes I love but so might certain teens. Is it true that teenagers only like sweet perfumes? #TeenPerfumes #SweetScents #VarietyIsKey

I think like most people, they like all kinds of things, sometimes sweet and sometimes not. #AllKindsOfScents #PersonalPreference

Ariana Grande Cloud, and actually all the Ariana Grande perfumes are favourites. They’re sweet but they’re not offensive when they’re worn in moderation. I kind of love them from far away. #ArianaGrandePerfumes #SweetAndModerate

Actually, the body mists from Bath and Body Works and Victoria’s Secret are the most popular. Maybe because they’re more affordable and lighter, you can customize how you’re using them. Then, when you’re finished you can buy something completely different. I have the Watermelon Mojito… #BodyMists #AffordableScents #CustomizablePerfumes

Eau de Juice by Cosmopolitan in 100% Chilled is the perfume meant to be taken a duck-lipped selfie with – amusing because I’m sure today’s teens don’t read magazines, and Cosmo is a relic in their world. #EauDeJuice #CosmopolitanPerfume #SelfiePerfume

The actual perfume in a bottle shaped like lips is British brand So… included because its kitch is beloved and the soft vanilla isn’t hard to wear. #SoPerfume #LipShapedBottle #SoftVanillaScent

Finally, Glossier You, now available at Sephora, which means that every teen has access to it. I love how this smells, a clean musk that’s not irritating and perceptible at arm’s length. The cutest bottle that fits into the palm of your hand. The teen that wears this has their eyes open, their ears to the ground. #GlossierYou #AccessiblePerfume #CleanMusk

Tell me what you’d get for a grad – perfume or otherwise. #GradGifts #PerfumeOrOtherwise

Perfumes I love but so might certain teens. Is it true that teenagers only like sweet perfumes? I think like most people, they like all kinds of things, sometimes sweet and sometimes not.

Ariana Grande Cloud, and actually all the Ariana Grande perfumes are favourites. They’re sweet but they’re not offensive when they’re worn in moderation. I kind of love them from far away.

Actually, the body mists from Bath and Body Works and Victoria’s Secret are the most popular. Maybe because they’re more affordable and lighter, you can customize how you’re using them. Then, when you’re finished you can buy something completely different. I have the Watermelon Mojito…

Eau de Juice by Cosmopolitan in 100% Chilled is the perfume meant to be taken a duck-lipped selfie with – amusing because I’m sure today’s teens don’t read magazines, and Cosmo is a relic in their world.

The actual perfume in a bottle shaped like lips is British brand So… included because its kitch is beloved and the soft vanilla isn’t hard to wear.

Finally, Glossier You, now available at Sephora, which means that every teen has access to it. I love how this smells, a clean musk that’s not irritating and perceptible at arm’s length. The cutest bottle that fits into the palm of your hand. The teen that wears this has their eyes open, their ears to the ground.

Tell me what you’d get for a grad – perfume or otherwise.

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