#PermTrend #TeenBoysWithPerms #HairTrends #BeautyTrends #Nostalgia #80sFashion #90sFashion #StudioLine #LOreal #HairProducts #CurlyHair #MomsLife #Curiosity #ScienceMind #ToothFairy #BuildingSkills #Legos #WeekendVibes #HappyFriday #FamilyFirst #HealthAndHappiness
If you were a teenage girl in the late ’80s and early ’90s living in the East Bay Area, everyone you knew either had or wanted a spiral perm. I can still remember the scent of that distinct perm smell lingering in the salon whenever I got a hair cut!
As the resident friend with naturally wavy hair, I never wanted a perm because I didn’t really need one. When all the girls were getting them, I was happy to be the person who introduced the power of Studio Line by L’Oreal (Pumping Curls!) and crunchy gel (LA Looks and Dep gel were especially popular). Oh, and mousse. There was so much mousse!
Anywho, what’s old is new again because now teen boys are getting perms. I KNOW!
I found this out through a local online group of moms. This morning, a few moms were asking where to go in town to get a perm for their teenage sons. Apparently perms for boys are a thing around these parts now because several of the ladies chimed in to say that either their son wanted a perm or currently had a perm, which is so interesting to me.
Why do all these teen boys want perms? And why now? I wonder what famous curly haired person brought this trend on. LOL!
Have you ever wanted a perm? Did you end up getting one, and how did it turn out? I hope it was good.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
Hiya, friend! Happy Friday. I had a happy mom moment this morning when I ran into Connor’s science teacher at her school. She said Connor was quite the little scientist, and that she’s got a curious and scientific mind. I guess this makes sense seeing how Connor does things like saving her baby teeth (instead of giving them to the tooth fairy) for the sake of “research,” and is always building things out of any and everything.

Is it just me, or has this technically short week has felt so very long? Thank goodness the weekend is just around the corner.
I hope things on your end are great and that you and your family are happy and healthy.
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