In partnership with @Penhaligons, #SuzyNightingale and I embark on a quintessentially British adventure exploring Penhaligon’s royal connections, scandalous Portraits, and the Sports Car Club launch at Blenheim Palace. Get ready for scented snippets throughout history, Bridgerton-like characters of the dazzling Portrait collection, and revving your engine for the sublime (limited edition) fragrance and its regal launch. #PenhaligonsAdventure #RoyalConnections #ScentedHistory #DazzlingPortraits #LimitedEditionFragrance #RegalLaunch #BlenheimPalace
Join us as we dive into these fragrances accompanied by a thoroughly regal and atmospheric soundtrack. The collection’s historic influences never detract from their thrilling modernity. #FragranceJourney #RegalSoundtrack #ModernAndHistoric
Here’s what we mention: #BlenheimBouquet #HammamBouquet #Bluebell #ElizabethanRose #TheFavourite #CovetedDuchessRose #TragedyOfLordGeorge #RevengeOfLadyBlanche #MuchAdoAboutTheDuke #SportsCarClub
This episode is in partnership with @Penhaligons
In this quintessentially British adventure the amazing Suzy Nightingale and I explore Penhaligon’s royal connections, scandalous Portraits and Sports Car Club launch. Prepare for scented snippets throughout history, the Bridgerton like characters who make up the dazzling Portrait collection and rev your engine for the most sublime (limited edition) fragrance and its regal launch at Blenheim Palace.
As we explore these fragrances with
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Here’s what we mention:
Blenheim Bouquet
Hammam Bouquet
Elizabethan Rose
The Favourite
The Coveted Duchess Rose
The Tragedy of Lord George
Revenge of Lady Blanche
Much Ado About the Duke
Sports Car Club