Marcia Kilgore – The Game-Changer in the Industry

In this episode I get to know the incredibly successful and creative entrepreneur #MarciaKilgore. Marcia is the woman who came up with #BlissSpas, #SoapandGlory, #FitFlop, #SoaperDuper and most recently #BeautyPie, a company that disrupts the beauty industry by allowing us access to products almost at cost price. During the episode we talk about how Marcia came up with the concept for Beauty Pie and why she always puts the consumer at the heart of what she does. Marcia gives us a great #insight into how the beauty industry works and why we often pay way above the odds. We also get to know what makes this brilliant entrepreneur tick, her relationship with clothes and why she dislikes shopping. I loved interviewing this industry icon and can’t wait for you to hear her story and opinions.

In this episode I get to know the incredibly successful and creative entrepreneur Marcia Kilgore.
Marcia is the woman who came up with Bliss Spas, Soap and Glory, Fit Flop, Soaper Duper and most recently Beauty Pie, a company that disrupts the beauty industry by allowing us access to products almost at cost price.
During the episode we talk about how Marcia came up with the concept for Beauty Pie and why she always puts the consumer at the heart of what she does. Marcia gives us a great

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