#AdventureTime #TopSecret #PodcastRecording #WorkLoo #WhatsGoingOn #Grandma #NursingHome #UniversalStudios #BraDebate #ChubRub #BeautyProducts #Bargains #GoodLaugh
Bryony has returned from a huge adventure but to Nicola’s horror, the details are top secret. In the meantime Nicola is recording the podcast in the work loo….will someone disturb them and think that there is something wrong with Nicola after she has been in there for more than half an hour? Listen to find out!
- Nicola questions what exactly is going on at her Grandma’s nursing home
- Bryony gets all excited reminiscing about Universal Studios
- There is a big bra debate
- Bryony thinks she has finally found the answer to Chub Rub
- Nicola and Bryony both have some bargainous beauty products to share
- And a whole lot more
Enjoy and we hope you have a good laugh listening this week