#WannaChat? is the deepest shade in the bottom left hand corner and the first colour I tried on my lids – weirdly, it stuck to my lid, was hard to blend and gave an uneven finish. However, #Loading, right next to it is a lilac shot metallic that glided over my lid seamlessly with no dropping and a velvety lustred look. I couldn’t like it more!

I think you can really see the difference between the two. #WannaChat? is matte so that automatically makes things more difficult but you can see that it’s patchy.

The colours, from bottom to top, are as follows: Haux, Naked Lunch, Mega Mocha, Wanna Chat?, Loading and Giga Glitz. I’ve read reviews of this palette and nobody else seems to have had the issue with Wanna Chat? so perhaps it’s a one-off. It’s £30 HERE.
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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.

Wanna Chat? is the deepest shade in the bottom left hand corner and the first colour I tried on my lids – weirdly, it stuck to my lid, was hard to blend and gave an uneven finish. However, Loading, right next to it is a lilac shot metallic that glided over my lid seamlessly with no dropping and a velvety lustred look. I couldn’t like it more!

I think you can really see the difference between the two. Wanna Chat? is matte so that automatically makes things more difficult but you can see that it’s patchy.

The colours, from bottom to top, are as follows: Haux, Naked Lunch, Mega Mocha, Wanna Chat?, Loading and Giga Glitz. I’ve read reviews of this palette and nobody else seems to have had the issue with Wanna Chat? so perhaps it’s a one-off. It’s £30 HERE.
Transparency Disclosure
All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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